I Have to Admit...
Being sick really sucks.
That being said, I think I'm finally starting to get better after a week and a half of being out of commission. In an unreal turn of events, I got a job! Neighborcare, a mass-fill pharmacy that specializes in filling the prescriptions of nursing home patients, decided to bring me on as a pharmacy tech for the stellar wage of $9/hr. Now to some of you this might not seem like much, but in all honesty, it's the second most I've ever made at a job in my life, plus I get good benefits. And most importantly, it takes a rather large stressor out of my life, that being my dad's constant nagging to get a job. So that's a plus. I probably have a million other things to say, but I'm tired and I think I'll just chill here tonight guys and listen to some music.
Song of the Second: Unwritten Law - Save Me