Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Knowledge on My Terms and Other Tales from Growing Up

I promised last time that I would continue by talking about how my natural intelligence carried me through grade school. Basically, I was that kid. You know who I'm talking about. The one that raises his hand for every answer. The one that wins the spelling bees. The one that turns in his test first, and everyone looks up and thinks, "how in the world is he done already." Now I know that might come off as a little conceited, but we're talking about events of 10+ years ago here, and I'm trying to paint you a picture of just how I rolled back in those days. I hated homework because I found it incredibly mundane to continuously practice something that I had already mastered during class. I never really studied, instead relying on my patented "Gagliardi Method" of learning.

The premise is simple. You pay very close attention in class, relying on the teacher's emphasis to show you what you really need to learn, while at the same time utilizing any processes that they provide immediately (this part is mostly true for math or science). Most kids spend way too much time taking menial notes rather than actually listening to what a teacher has to say. There are so many subtle verbal clues if you bother to look for them that can help you to a better grade and greater understanding of the subject matter. This works all the way up through the college level, and I recommend trying it for all of you students out there. That is not to say that you don't take notes, but only write down key points and then return to paying attention to the professor.

It may seem totally logical what I'm saying, almost to the point where it doesn't need to be said, but you'd be surprised at how many college students (and to a lesser extent, high schoolers) simply write down everything and when they go back to look at their notes realize that they know nothing. I made it through many of my classes with high marks, often without even buying the book for the class just by doing this (and attending class regularly - obviously a huge key) before my nervous breakdown. Oooooh - Foreshadowing!

I have to interrupt here and just say how simply awful my little mini-vacation was...basically I would have much rather spent all the time at work rather than have had the time off with the way things went. I hope I can get through this time. I will say that last night was the first time that I would have been ok with not waking up...and that scared me. I'll be back to finish this post at some point, but I wanted to get posted what I already have done.


At 10:43 AM, Blogger Matt said...

I've bought 4 books in the past year in college using that method ;p

It's very effective.

However I hope that everything is okay and I hope you know you can talk to me anytime.

At 1:07 PM, Blogger bleigh007 said...

Loved finishing tests really fast, especially in high school when you couldn't leave so you just sat there until everyone else finished.


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