Monday, January 24, 2005

Ashlee Simpson should not be booed for something we all know popstars do on a regular basis. Let's face facts, all that she needs to do is keep looking hot (see below) and she'll continue to rake in the cheese. She knows that she sucks at singing. I know that she looks magnificent in a tight t-shirt and jeans. I don't care for her music, but really, is that what she's even selling? Look at Britney Spears or Ruben Studdard...they get by on looks alone while producing some of the worst music this country has ever seen. So lay off the girl* until she does something truly offensive to pop America's sensible tastes. Plus I like the nose. A little flaw on a woman gives her some personality and lets you know you're not just looking at the same-old same-old. Heh. And if you aren't entertained by the following lyric, well, I don't think you're reading the right blog.

"You can throw me like a liiiiiiiiineMAN. I like it better when it hurts."

*If Ashlee ever gets defiled by Fred Durst, I take every word back and hope that her face gets stepped on by John Tenta. Some sins cannot be forgiven (well AKShually this is the only one.)

NEXT TIME: Phil Simms, Porn?, You Got Served, and some real musical picks.

Song of the Second - Ashlee Simpson - LaLa, a song so overtly sexual it is comic gold.


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