Friday, September 16, 2005

Or Did Punk Rock Get it Right?

Things I want to Change:

1. Being broke, including but not limited to, the car I drive, where I live, the debts I have, and the life I lead accordingly.

2. Trying too hard to be entertaining. Most people would agree that I'm a good time to be around, but despite that, I feel as if I'm losing myself behind the curtain.

3. Figure out what true friends I have.

4. Make actual plans for the future and FOLLOW THROUGH on them.

5. Continue my journey to respectibility RE: weight.

As an aside, a whole bunch of good/great music has come out recently, covering for the lull that we had during the summer. A few choice cuts, aka

Songs of the Second:
Chevelle - Panic Prone
Minus the Bear - We Are Not the Football Team (not new but still)
Coheed and Cambria - Welcome Home
Bloodhound Gang - Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo
Relient K - Who I am Hates Who I've been
The Killers - Under the Gun (misers rerelease Hot Fuss, but they put a couple new songs on there, including an insane one.)
Plain White Ts - Hey There Delilah (I can see this song being a big hit if they ever played a band like this on the radio)
Finch - Black Marks and Bloodstains
Avenged Sevenfold - Bat Country (my brother has been a fan of these guys forever, and they are quite awesome if you're into this sort of thing)
No Use for a Name - For Fiona

and my current #1:

Vendetta Red - Silhouette Serenade


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