Monday, July 18, 2005

Strongsville Syndrome

Been a while since a post, but not really all that much exciting going on right now. Work has been pretty much my whole life for the past month thanks to infinite extra hours and all sorts of other nonsense. The sucky part of course is that despite the fact that the crew we have now is great, all of them are leaving for one reason or another, leaving me back in the Land of the Lost. All the cool younger people that make work bearable are going back to school, and I guess the only plus side is that I'll be back at school myself fairly soon.

Other than all that, things are going just fine. I'm considering getting a brand new car to replace Betsy, prolly a Ford Focus since they are cheap and get good gas mileage. I guess all the work is good for something if I can drive around in a car that isn't a Lethal Lottery everytime I drive anywhere.

After much introspection, I've decided that I'm actually a pretty good person. I have my faults (who doesn't) and I will continue to work on fixing them, one of the big ones being my tendancy to break plans and just not show up for things. I've also decided that I still have quite a bit of potential to be something in this life that isn't embarassing...but I just need to find the proper motivation. So I'll be doing something about that as well.

And of course, the real reason to post at all...

1. The All-American Rejects - Move Along
2. Fall Out Boy - Dance, Dance
3. Better than Ezra - A Lifetime (one of the saddest songs I've ever heard)
4. Augustana - Stars and Boulevards
5. Over It - Siren on the 101 (from the VAULT, sorta)


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