Wednesday, June 01, 2005

June 1

June 1st has arrived and with it comes some good times tonight courtesy of PF Chang's with literally every single gamer I know, which should be an excellent time. The past week has brought a whole bunch of interesting things, including King's bachelor party and subsequent wedding to Krystal. Congrats again, guys.

Because this is my random thoughts journal and because I can, I started working on the top 10 songs of the year thus's what I have as of right now.

1. Alkaline Trio - Time to Waste
2. Cherry Monroe - Satellites
3. Fall Out Boy - Sugar, We're Goin' Down
4. Longview - When You Sleep
5. Louis XIV - Finding Out True Love is Blind
6. My Chemical Romance - Helena
7. Weezer - Beverly Hills
8. Hot Hot Heat - Goodnight, Goodnight
9. Chevelle - The Clincher
10. Ted Leo and the Pharmacists - Me and Mia

and just because....

Bringing the Hotness 6/1/05
1. Amanda Beckett
2. Daisy Dukes
3. Nancy Callahan
4. Mary Jane Watson
5. Lois Lane


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