Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Pieces of Note Fall Down but the Letter Said

In a post in February, I set some goals, and while making some new goals, I figure it's good to look back at those goals and check the progress.

1. Continue my education while searching for academic focus.
STATUS: Still churning away, but now visions of grad school are dancing in my head. Law seems like the natural way to go, but who knows if that's gonna be possible. Right now I'm strongly considering finishing with a degree in Communications or English and then moving forward to some sort of grad school as soon as possible. I've hit a few bumps along the way, but I still shit school for the most part.

2. Get out of debt
STATUS: Making MAJOR progress here, as my creditors are almost totally paid off, which is an accomplishment, and I only owe a few friends a couple bucks (ok, maybe a few more) but overall things are looking up.

3. Move out
STATUS: I'm not sure how important this goal really is at this point. A new car would be a much more relevant purchase and not nearly the drain on my income as moving out would be. My parents and I get along much better now so it's almost a waste to move out while school is still going on.

4. Regain my focus at MTG, since I'm clearly pretty good at the game and enjoy it.
STATUS: I might just quit to be honest. It's eaten up enough of my life, and I'm sort of bored with the whole enterprise. I don't care too much about qualifying for the Pro Tour, so what else is there? Casual? I don't think so.

5. Live life like it's the last day of school (aka Carpe Diem)
STATUS: I still take too many things far too seriously, but I think I've been doing a better job of seizing the day. It doesn't always work out as I had hoped, but at least I'm trying new things.

6. Avoid bad relationships. This means romantically and socially.
STATUS: Strong. My friendships are better than ever, and I have cut some negativity out of my life. Unfortunately, I still haven't come across that special person romantically, but what's the rush really?

7. Stop being so melodramatic...Just because it makes for a good story doesn't mean that it has to become one.
STATUS: MUCH better. I'm still a storyteller, but I have cut back on exaggerations and the like a lot recently. Hopefully it doesn't take away from people's enjoyment when around me, but I have to be honest in order to continue bettering myself.

9. Learn to count.

10. Try to find validation within myself and not worry so much about what others think.
STATUS: This is a fight, and one that will never end. All I can do is keep plugging away at it.

11. Continue to be the best friend that I can be.
STATUS: I hope I've done a good job @ this over the past 6 months.

12. Listen more, talk less.
STATUS: I still catch myself waiting for my turn to talk every once in a while, but overall, I think I'm a fine listener and this goal has been accomplished.

13. Get fresh on the mic, like a milkman on duty
STATUS: What do you think?

14. Improve my health and overall well-being.
STATUS: I've lost 14 lbs just from switching to diet cola. Next up: A regular workout program.

15. Return to intellectualism a bit. (especially in daily lingo)
STATUS: The lingo part of this goal is stupid, as that's what makes me who I am. However, I have been reading quite a bit and my thirst for knowledge has returned in a limited form.

Song of the random second:

Better than Ezra - Good


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