Tuesday, June 26, 2007

R.I.P. Chris Benoit

As most of you know, I am a big pro wrestling fan and have been since age 5 or so. My favorite wrestler for most of my life was the Canadian Crippler, Chris Benoit. I own all sorts of Benoit tapes, and one of the only wrestling shirts that I own was Chris's first shirt after coming to the WWE.

Yesterday, Chris Benoit and his wife and child were found dead in their home in Georgia. It appears to be a double-murder/suicide, but all the details aren't in place yet. I looked up to Chris as a hero and always thought he handled himself in a manner that I as a fan could be proud of, but if this is true, I'll have to obviously reevaluate how I feel about him in reflection. Right now though, despite wanting to say so much more, all I can say is thank you. Thank you Chris for the years of entertainment, for the blood, sweat and tears. Thank you for your tireless efforts to reach the top of your field, despite your limitations. Thank you for being the best. Thank you for your intensity and your passion for what you did. Thank you for showing me what the art of pro wrestling should look like. Thank you for showing me what the art of patience and perserverence should look like, and the results that it can bring if you believe in yourself.

I'll miss you.


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