Friday, June 22, 2007

"The One"

Taking a break from the Anberlin song titles as blog titles, I want to discuss a concept near and dear to me, "The One." Some people call it "Ms. Right," others say "that special someone," and even others might say "soulmate," but all of these terms refer to the same thing. Sharing your life with someone is a very time-consuming, difficult, and interesting process, but it also happens to be one of, if not the most rewarding way to spend your days and nights. And for those of you that don't want to be in this kind of reflective mood, or have heard enough on this subject from me for one lifetime, feel free to click away, but besides the cookout on Saturday (HOPE YOU CAN MAKE IT ALL NONFAGS THAT WENT TO MONTREAL), this is what is on my mind, and it's my journal, so suck it.

So what do I think of the concept known as "The One (not Billy Gunn!)?" I hate it, but I've embraced it like a fucking security blanket for years and years. I have a tendancy to get caught up in women...they have been such a challenge for me and especially with my formally embarassing self-confidence about my physical stature (somewhat justified), I had a lot of trouble with falling for the first girl who was nice to me. Lately, however, a trend has been to shoot for bigger and brighter things. With my newfound focus on my looks and my always sparkling personality (lol), I have felt the urge to go for women that meet very specific standards that I hold deep within the recess of my brain and heart. So what is most important to me and how can I reach that goal?

1. Sense of Humor. I don't mean any old sense of humor, either. I'm an odd duck and I pretty much require effort to talk to even in daily conversation (more on this later). Not only that, but my sarcastic/cynical yet goofy sense of humor requires tolerance for some people just to stay around me, but only the true devout friends actually ENJOY my antics all of the time. My "one" is going to have to at least be able to tolerate my humor, and hopefully get all of my jokes, obscure references, and lingo craziness. The ability to give beats is also a plus, since if we can't pick on each other, who CAN we pick on?

2. Intelligence. I said I would get back to the "difficult to talk to" point, and here we are already. My vocabulary, while not as extensive as it once was, still is one of a reasonably high intellect. If you have no clue what I'm saying, how can I date you? Not only that, but as a purveyor of fine conversation, I expect to be able to discuss things that go beyond the basic scope of "how was your day?" Sometimes I like to engage in chatter about world events, philosophy, and other pursuits, and I need someone that can keep up (and hopefully not blow right by me!).

3. Looks/Sexual Chemistry. Anyone who leaves this off of their list is a liar. That being said, if you fufill the other standards that I am looking for, you instantly become more physically attractive. Not only that, but sometimes a simple highlight will be enough for me...a beautiful set of eyes, a warm smile, or ( /turns on guy mode) a great rack can hide physical flaws elsewhere. In other words, my "one" doesn't have to be physical perfection, but hopefully she has some feature that stands out and makes me say, "WOW." (she-wow is also acceptable)

4. Gets along with my family and friends. My family is a load of fun, so usually most people that I bring home love them. My dad alone is worth the price of admission, and my mom may actually be the nut mother-in-law of all time (sample quote: "You want to come over and bake cookies and have a drink?"). My brothers are both very cool when they are around, if shy, and my dog is just so lovable. My true friends might be the most accepting and awesome guys on the planet...if they don't like you as a group, something is SERIOUSLY wrong. One cookout at Chris's should be enough to figure this one out.

5. Loves me back. As I said earlier, I really get wrapped up in women. The smell, the way a smile can turn your day around, being there for each other, all the little things that make women the fairer sex and make relationships actually good. Remember the little things, like the chats we've had or the things we've done together, and that's when I'll know that we have something beyond just a crush. This is usually the sticking point as of late. I've met a couple very special women over the past couple of years, special enough to pass the first four qualities pretty easily. The problem is they didn't have those same feelings towards me for whatever reasons.

If I can have these five things in my life, I would be happy romantically. I know it's not all wine and roses, but to feel like I've gotten there would really be great. And btw, Happy Birthday to me. I got one of the nicest gifts of my life today, something heartfelt and as dumb as it sounds, it was nice to feel good, even for a little while.


Songs of the Second:
The Ataris - Soundtrack for this Rainy Morning
+44 - Baby Come On
Relient K - Be My Escape (From the VAULT)


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